Home » Recenzii » Review The Parlotones si Grimus in The Silver Church (poze)
Probabil cel mai asteptat concert al inceputului de an pentru fanii indie-rock a avut loc pe 28 ianuarie 2010, in The Silver Church Club. Formatia Sud Africana, The Parlotones, a cantat pentru prima data in Romania si speram noi ca nu si ultima data.
Evenimentul a inceput in jurul orei 21:30, cu formatia romaneasca Grimus, care a sustinut primul concert din Bucuresti pe 2010. Pe Grimus ii mai vazusem si la Cokelive Peninsula si mi-au ramas de-atunci in minte ca suna bine. Nu au dat gres nici joi seara, in Silver Church, cei 6 baieti oferind un concert, care a fost apreciat de toti cei prezenti. Au cantat piese de pe albumul lor de debut, Panikon, lansat in 2008, dar si melodii mai noi, care cel mai probabil vor fi incluse pe viitorul album. Au surprins din nou cu stilul vestimentar ales pentru concert, singurul imbracat mai „lejer” fiind basistul trupei. Publicul i-a primit destul de bine, drept dovada ca i-au chemat si la bis.
Pentru ca am reusit sa „fur” una din foile cu setlistul, va prezint si lista completa a melodiilor cantate joi:
Setlist Grimus:
Ready For It
Finger Prints
We Don’t Live Here
Backseat Driver
Face the Light
The Hell I’m In
In A Glimpse
Dupa ce si-au strans instrumentele cei de la Grimus, au inceput pregatirile pentru concertul celor de la The Parlotones. Desi poate la prima vedere, formatia pare necunoscuta, sud-africanii au deja 3 albume lansate pana acum („Radiocontroledrobot”, „A World Next Door to Yours” si ” Stardust Galaxies”). Concertul de joi a facut parte din turneul de promovare al celui mai recent material discografic. The Parlotones au urcat pe scena in jurul orei 23:00, avand o tinuta mai speciala: camasi negre, cravate rosii, pantaloni skinny, machiaj special, dar si cu instrumente personalizate.
Au inceput concertul cu „Life Design”, o piesa extrasa de pe ultimul album, care ne-a introdus in „povestea lor” (This is our story, This is our life design). A urmat apoi o piesa mai cunoscuta, „Only Human”, de pe „A World Next Door to Yours”, pe care majoritatea celor prezenti au inceput sa o fredoneze. Au cantat in general melodii de pe „Stardust Galaxies”, dar si melodii de pe celelalte doua albume, printre cele mai cunoscute piese aflandu-se „I’ll Be There”, „Push Me to the Floor” (de-aici si titlul articolului), „Beautiful” si „Sun comes out”.
Experienta celor 300 de concerte sustinute in ultimele 18 luni si-a spus cuvantul, The Parlotones oferind unul din cele mai bune concerte din Silver Church la care am fost prezent. Interpretarea a fost foarte buna, singurele probleme fiind de natura tehnica, atunci cand pe finalul piesei „Fly To The Moon” a picat PA-ul. Solistul a si dialogat cu fanii, spunand ca este foarte incantat de zapada din Romania (stim, in Africa nu e prea multa zapada) dar si de publicul destul de numeros, care i-a primit foarte bine. Daca pana acum cei care au fost joi seara in Silver Church nu stiau mare lucru despre The Parlotones, acum cu siguranta o sa tot asculte melodiile lor.
Pentru ca acestia n-au avut lista melodiilor, o sa fac un setlist improvizat, si anume doar cu melodiile pe care le-am recunoscut eu, in ordine aleatorie.
Setlist The Parlotones:
Life Design
Only Human
I’ll Be There
Sun Comes Out
We Call This Dancing
Fly To The Moon
Push Me To The Floor
Remember When
Welcome To The Weekend
Giant Mistake
Disappear Without A Trace
English review:
Perhaps the most awaited concert of the beginning of the year for the Romanian fans of indie-rock took place on January 28, 2010, in The Silver Church Club, in Bucharest. The South African band, The Parlotones, played for the first time in Romania and hopefully not the last.
The event started at around 21:30 with the opening act of the romanian band Grimus, who had their first concert in Bucharest in 2010. The 6 boys offered a concert which was well appreciated by all those present. They played tracks from their debut album, Panikon, released in 2008, but also newer songs, which most likely will be included on their future album. They surprised again with the fashion style chosen for the concert, the only one dressed with „streetwear” being the bassist. The public was pleased with the show, therefore they called them for encore.
Because I managed to „steal” one of the sheets with the Setlist, I present you the complete list of songs played Thursday.
Setlist Grimus:
Ready For It
Finger Prints
We Do not Live Here
Backseat Driver
Face the Light
The Hell I’m In
In A Glimpse
After the Grimus show, it began the preparations for the concert of The Parlotones. Although at first sight, the band seems unknown, the South Africans have already released 3 albums so far („Radiocontroledrobot”, „A World Next Door To Yours” and „Stardust Galaxies”). The concert from The Silver Church Club was part of the promotional tour of their most recently album.
The Parlotones have climbed on stage at around 23:00, with a special outfit: black shirts, red ties, skinny pants, special makeup and custom tools. They started the concert with „Life Design”, a song drawn from their last album, which began „their story” (This is our story, This is our life design). After that, they sang a well-known song, „Only Human”, from „A World Next Door To Yours”, which most of those present began to sing along with the band. They played mostly songs from „Stardust Galaxies”, but also songs from the other two albums („I’ll Be There”, „Push Me To The Floor”, „Beautiful”, „Sun Comes Out” etc.)
With the experience of over 300 concerts held in the last 18 months, The Parlotones offered one of the best concerts in Silver Church to which I was present. The interpretation was very good, the only problem was technical, when at the end of the song „Fly To The Moon” the sound system failed. They interacted to the fans too, saying that they were very excited about the snow in Bucharest (yeah, we know that in Africa it’s not too much snow) but also by the relatively large audience. If those who were Thursday night in Silver Church did not know much about The Parlotones, now they are definitely going to listen to all their songs.
Because they had no list of songs, I made an improvised random Setlist, only with the songs that I remembered.
Setlist The Parlotones:
Life Design
Only Human
I’ll Be There
Sun Comes Out
We Call This Dancing
Fly To The Moon
Push Me To The Floor
Remember When
Welcome To The Weekend
Giant Mistake
Disappear Without A Trace
Foto: Maria Diana
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